Get Therapy, Change Your Job, Strength Train

People are tired. We are stressed out. We changed during the pandemic, and it’s time to reclaim our lives.

  1. Empower Yourself with Strength Training

There is something about signing up for something that is hard. Sign up for lifting weights. You can get a $10 a month gym membership. You don’t need a trainer. (it sure helps.) Your body needs it and it empowers your mind just as much. How you handle strength training can influence your beliefs about yourself. If you can get in a routine or habit of signing up for discomfort, you can accomplish anything.

2. The Power of Therapy

Why is diet and exercise so difficult? Why do we self-sabotage again and again? What is it about you that makes you behave the way do? Do you have coping mechanisms that were once valuable but no longer suit you?

When we see people truly work on themselves, it will involve looking inward or staring in the metaphorical mirror. It takes vulnerability to change something about yourself, its a process that needs guidance.

Strength training is not therapy. Therapy is therapy. Get on it.

    1. Finding a Less Stressful Job

    This is probably the most important thing that I have seen again and again positively change people’s lives. Are you living your career from a scarcity mindset? Are you worried you’re boss will get mad at you.? Do you feel that if you can just get through the next deadline, things should be fine? Do you toss and turn thinking about work? What is the Cost of this lifestyle.

    I’ve said this to everyone I know. I guarantee you there is a job out there, that will pay you more than what you are getting with a better work life balance. Go find it, or make it. You not only deserve it. You need it. The stress is literally killing you.

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